Apple TV
Raspberry Pi
Chrome OS
On-Premises Solution
- Added URL based License Registration mechanism that allows registering a license via link
- The name of Address Book Entries is now shown in the tab header when connecting to them
- Update panel now shows both the installed and to-be-installed versions of AnyDesk
- Fixed bug that caused some messages to not show up after license registration
- Fixed bug that prevented some Custom Client settings to work
- Fixed some textual bugs in settings
- Fixed some DPI related visual bugs
- Fixed bug that prevented some users from enabling Two Factor Authentication
- Fixed bug that sometimes treated microphones as speakers
- Fixed bug that caused Displays to stay on even after an outgoing session already ended
- Fixed signing of Remote Printing Driver
- Fixed signing issues of MSI installer
- Fixed bug that sometimes caused the wrong Permission Profile to be selected after Elevation Requests
- Fixed bug that would silently fail Session Recordings when missing write permissions
- Fixed Drag&Drop behavior of Address Tiles
- Fixed behavior of Status Bar that shows Connection and License issues
- Fixed TCP Tunnel permission not working
- Fixed crash when clicking File Manager Button during while connecting
- Fixed missing close button in outgoing File Manager Session during while connecting
- Fixed Command Line Interface to open Settings to fit the restructured Settings pages
- Fixed missing About AnyDesk option in Incoming Only Custom Clients
- Fixed synchronization of some permission states so that options become available immediately when permission is granted
- Fixed handling of SAS permission
- Fixed crash when hitting Enter key in dialog to add Address to Address Book
- Fixed bug that allowed registering a license via CLI while logged in with an Account
- Fixed bug that showed Permission Profiles in Outgoing Only Custom Clients
- Fixed visual bug that caused the File Manager toolbar button to be highlighted when showing a screen
- Fixed bug that allowed connection without password after cancelling Remote Restart Attempt
- Fixed visual bug that caused email address to be cut off in Account Login Popup
- Fixed visual bug that caused About Panel to not update properly when adding OnPremise license
- Fixed bug that prevented Preset Password Banner from showing up when setting password via Dynamic Config in my.anydesk
- Fixed crash when cancelling UAC dialog (Elevation Request)
- Fixed bug that caused uninstaller to not remove everything
- Fixed rare crash in Permission Profile Settings
- Fixed crash in Command Line Interface when sending connection requests
- Fixed bug that caused Reset Password button to not show up correctly
- Fixed bug that caused visual indicator for active display to not work in full screen mode
- Fixed bug that prevented AltTab to work in nonconnection tabs during when there was an active session
- Fixed bug that allowed incoming connections in Forced Login Clients
- Fixed visual bug that affected + and buttons in WakeOnLAN settings
- Fixed subtle bug in Windows version detection logic
- Fixed bug that prevented removal of passwords from Permission Profiles
- Fixed bug that caused delayed update of Permission Profiles settings
- Fixed bug that prevented the Personal Address Book to open after login
- Fixed bug that caused clicking the user icon in File Manager to navigate to the wrong settings page
- Fixed bug that sometimes restricted permissions of legacy clients more than it should
- Fixed bug that did not restore Session Recording settings correctly when removing a license
- Fixed bug that prevented some buttons in the Session Limit Reached dialog from working
- Fixed crash when adding Permission Profiles via Command Line Interface
- Fixed crash when trying to open Chat Log from Recent Session list
- Fixed crash when trying to open Session Recordings from Recent Session list
- Fixed bug that caused + and buttons for Access Control List to be invisible
- Fixed bug that would stop audio transmission when minimizing the window
- Fixed scaling of resize border on big resolution screens
- Fixed bugs that caused synchronization of some settings between multiple settings windows to not happen correctly
- Fixed bug that caused previous window size to not be remembered correctly in some cases
- Fixed many more minor User Interface issues
Other changes
- Improved localization
- Improved user experience when connecting to iOS clients
- Actions on the tray icon can now be disabled in custom clients
Other changes
- Improved handling of expired licenses
- License registration via URL handler
- Crash on trying to establish a session in case of expired license
Other changes
- Improved overall handling of expired licenses
- Fixed crash when starting AnyDesk via Command Line Interface
Other changes
- Improved anti-fraud measures
- Fixed direct connections between clients in the same LAN.
- Fixed crash when Outgoing Session is being closed.
- Fixed Main Window visibility after closing Outgoing Session in Custom Clients with Preset Password.
- Fixed visibility of Remove button in settings for Access Control (ACL) and Wake-on-LAN when using Light UI theme.
- Fixed keyboard interaction with ACL in Access Settings.
- Fixed behavior of Block Remote Input permission.
- Fixed restriction of Update parameters for unlicensed clients.
- Fixed sending Network ID to the Server
Other changes
- Allow hiding the Retry button in Session Ended dialogs.
- Allow to show Session title when using –plain-with-toolbar.
- Allow to hide the Client ID in incoming-only Custom Clients.
- Disallow Privacy Mode for Incoming connections from unlicensed legacy clients.
- Disallow removing expired Licenses.
- Improve usability of the User selection dialog when connecting to Windows Terminal Server.
- Allow to hide the Client ID in incoming-only Custom Clients.
- Disallow Privacy Mode for Incoming connections from unlicensed legacy clients.
- Fixed bug regarding event logs for Incoming clients
- Fixed bug regarding removable license for OnPremises
- Fixed bug related to session bar that activates/deactivates Night mode when clicking on different displays in Display settings
- Fixed bug regarding session closing if backend user performs logoff
- Fixed crash related to changing monitor count
- Fixed bug related to transmitting authentication data for elevation
- Fixed bug related to desktop’s alternative background
- Fixed bug when it is possible to register alias on portable
- Fixed crash when request elevation
- Fixed bug related to behaviour for command line options
- Fixed bug when user uninstalls AnyDesk and checks the check box to remove files the files are not removed and ID saved for future installations
- Fixed error message when License Removed with Open Address Book on startup enabled
- Fixed crash when user clicks Autoselect option
- Fixed bug related to Restart my device permission remaining inactive for a while after creating a new profile
- Fixed bug when Installation/Update window freezes if you try to install/update Anydesk after you clicked NO on User Account Control window
- Fixed bug when password can be set up in both Permissions and Access
- Improved the amount of time until the main window opens
- Fixed errors in Windows Event Log
Other changes
- Increased account auth requests timeout up to 20s
- An Easter egg feature surprise!
Other changes
- Exchanged code signing certificate. The previous certificate will be invalidated soon. Please update.
- AnyDesk now supports Night Mode. It can be activated via the Display Menu during an outgoing session to invert the remote image.
Other changes
- Improved colors for Light and Dark UI modes in some places.
- AnyDesk now supports dark mode.
- Fixed synchronization problems that could occur for some configurations that were setup via our web portal.
- Fixed bug that allowed copying of clipboard text when permission was not granted.
- Fixed problem that prevented Windows Server Addresses to be saved to the Address Book.
- Fixed problem that allowed Windows to go to sleep during an active outgoing Session.
- Fixed some UI glitches and minor crashes.
- Fixed mouse double-click when controling the remote macOS device
- Improved error handling with links to the Help Center
- AnyDesk Installer fixes
- Security issues addressed
- Minor UI issues fixed
Other changes
- Improved overall handling of expired licenses
- AnyDesk 8.1.2 has only limited macOS 15.0 Sequoia support. Features like connecting to the Login Screen or Remote Restart might not work
- Preview files with QuickLook in the File Manager
- File Manager navigation with Keyboard
- Address Book hierarchical tags support
- Remote restart support for Macs with FileVault enabled
- Sticky modifier keys issue addressed
- Improved Chat notifications
- Fixed mouse text selection issue when working with Pages and Numbers applications remotely
- Minor UI issues fixed
- Virtual Keyboard
- Notifications for incoming Chat messages
- New option for auto-scrolling the remote desk view
- New option for controling online status visibility
- Preview files with QuickLook in the File Manager
- Fixed app quit priority on macOS user logout
- Improved UI for connection status panel
- Fixed keyboard input for Korean
- Minor UI glitches fixed
- Fixed issue when multiple sessions active to remote device with multiple monitors
- Redesigned System Information Window
- Improved performance for high resolution screens
- Fixed crash which led to session restart
- Fixed File Manager bug which led to access denied error when copying files to Windows host
- Fixed the behavior of Wake-on-LAN clients list (Intel-based macs only)
- Fixed the behavior of Keyboard Layout switcher
- Minuor UI glitches fixed
- Redesigned Settings window
- Screen frame
- Mismatching mouse click coordinates after using Auto-adapt Resolution option
- Improved UX when few AnyDesk sessions are used in parallel
Other changes
- Exchanged code signing certificate. The previous certificate will be invalidated soon.
- Added pagination to Address Book.
- Redesigned Installer Screen.
- File Manager now supports drag-n-drop.
- Fixes for remote mouse cursor display.
- Minor UI glitches fixed.
- Refined design of the Accept Window.
- If the remote side has few displays connected they can be switched using Host+ key combination.
- Hold the Option Key to open AnyDesk session in the new tab.
- Clicks inside the login window were ignored sometimes.
- AnyDesk suspends its session when the remote display is being put to sleep and resumes it on user activity.
- ‘desk_rt_ipc_error’ message when trying to connect to the Login Screen is fixed
- It’s not possible to edit certain text fields in AnyDesk Preferences on macOS Sonoma 14.0.0. It’s an OS issue that is expected to be resolved in upcoming OS updates.
- New option added to the Accept Window allowing remote users to manage incoming connections.
- AnyDesk update and service install issues solved.
- AnyDesk works properly with macOS Stage Manager enabled
- Fixed an issue with Remote Restart function
- UI improvements for the File Manager
- CLI issues fixed
- Minor UI glitches addressed
Other changes
- Improvements for custom client
- Infinite ‘Waiting for image’ message when trying to connect to the Login Screen is fixed.
- You can transmit audio from your mac device now (available for macOS 13.0 Ventura and higher).
- Register your User Account just inside the application.
- Fixed Company Account login for Chrome and Edge browsers.
- Fixed an issue in the Address Book which prevented the renaming of items.
- Fixed an issue when some remote screen spots are not responding to mouse clicks.
- Minor UI and UX improvements.
- Fixed deadlock on start when showing the news tutorial on some devices.
- Added link for account deletion.
- Improved screen capture after orientation change.
- Fixed missing UI focus feedback on AndroidTV for some elements.
- Added scrolling to privacy dialog.
Other changes
- New release format for AndroidTV.
- Split clipboard permission for text and files.
- Added User Account.
- Fixed share button / password button visibility.
- Fixed tutorial focus point after screen orientation change.
- Fixed some icons on Android 5.
- Fixed crash on notification sound due to missing vibration permission.
- Fixed bug where modification time was not updated.
- Fixed bug where file conflict dialogs might be overridden by other dialogs.
- Fixed a bug where the soft keyboard covered the input field when vertical space is limited.
- Fixed a bug where the soft keyboard opened everytime the app was resumed.
- Fixed a bug where the notification was not removed after stopping a VPN session.
- Fixed incorrect texts in main window for some session types.
- Fixed crash in tutorial.
Other changes
- Improved plugin handling.
- Improved message dialog when session ends due to auto-disconnect.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Now opening soft keyboard automatically when opening search.
- Add support for ad.files.enable_parent_folder config item.
- Improved current path display.
- Improved clipboard handling for M3 handscanner.
- Improved clipboard synchronization.
- Added outgoing file transfer sessions.
- Added remote system information.
- Added remote restart.
- Added TCP tunnel feature.
- Redesign of the main UI.
- Dropped support for Android 4.x.
- Fixed incorrect address when using RTL language.
- Fixed crash in incoming connections.
- Fixed closing soft keyboard on some TV devices.
- Fixed orientation change on sound settings.
- Fixed auto disconnect when screen is off.
- Fixed address book visibility for incoming only clients.
- Hiding speech recognition button when action is not available.
- Fixed issue with displaying settings pages on some devices with big screens.
- Fixed bug in accept window permissions which could lead control permission being not changeable anymore.
- Added missing context menu to discovery items.
- Fixed notifications for Android 13.
- Fixed sending backspace key from Amazon FireTV devices.
- Fixed bug that caused the permission profile dialog to disappear on orientation change.
- Minor fixes.
Other changes
- Improved interactive access. Now using notifications when the app cannot be opened.
- Improved support for menu and recent apps button.
- Added synchronize clipboard option for incoming connections for manual clipboard synchronization.
- Added automatic clipboard synchronization for outgoing connections on Android 10 and higher.
- Improved prominent disclosure for accessibility service permission.
- Minor UI improvements.
- Support for new plugins.
- This is the last version supporting Android 4.4.
- Improved stability when using MDM.
- Fixed direct connection setup. It is more likely now to get a direct (faster) connection.
- Fixed setting on-premises configuration.
- Improved stability.
- Minor improvements and fixes.
Other changes
- Improved chinese translations.
- Improved stability.
- Send full sentences and emojis. This fixes issues with non-english characters and non-standard input methods.
- Added button to send trace file over active session.
- Fixed file manager home path
- Fixed crash when applying group policies.
- Fixed rendering issues of privacy statement and help center.
- Fixed injection of some characters.
- Added support for new custom plugins.
- Changes in the proxy settings were not applied.
- Fixed conflict between system back gesture and pie menu.
- Fixed plugin download on some devices when browser app is not available.
Other changes
- Improved chinese translations
- Fixed crash in session settings.
Other changes
- Incoming sessions from not licensed clients are blocked.
- Exchanged code signing certificate. The previous certificate will be invalidated soon.
- The cursor now indicates when action is disallowed on the remote side.
- Fixed injection of additional keyboard events.
Other changes
- Added more information about requester of incoming session.
- Organized session settings.
- Revamped security warning dialog.
- New special keyboard
- Fixed whiteboard’s colour picker
Other changes
- Added missing Lithuanian language
- Improved scrolling
- Minor UI fixes and adjustements
- Added button for reporting suspicious behavior
Other changes
- Optimization in UI when application runs not in full screen on iPad
- New design
- More settings available
- Support for different language layouts of hardware keyboard
- Support of drag and drop files between application
- Added ‘Recent apps’ button for Android sessions
- Fixed issues during establishing connection
- Fixed issue with direct connection
- Fixed black screen during connection to device with high DPI resolution monitor
Other changes
- Optimisation in screen capturing
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- Added whiteboard feature
- Fixed issue that sometimes prevented direct connections
- Improved file transfer
Other changes
- Extended MDM to include more config items
- Added possibility to cancel uploading files
- Fixed crash during displaying 2FA dialog when the app goes to background
- Fixed visibility in autodiscovery
- A new paid2 flag has been introduced to support the iOS clients
- Some Android devices, mostly Samsung, failed to decrypt data read from backend storage. This prevented the device to successfully connect and establish a connection to the server.
- The REST API get_license call used HMAC encoding function that is incompatible with the core SSL library used by the backend.
- The response to the REST API get_sys_info missed a newly introduced field that caused the backend to fail.
- Prepared support for future clients with support for IPv6.
- Some AnyDesk clients did not have a properly working Address Book, such as version 7.1.6 for Windows and version 7.0.0 for macOS.
- Some Android clients occasionally got stuck while connecting to the Appliance server.
- After an upgrade to a new SSL version for improved security at the Appliance server side some SSL functions no longer worked properly.
- Several crashes have been fixed.
- Fixed ‘Waiting for image’ problem that occurred in several customer environments using v2.1.0
- Added support for feature Session Invitation, which was introduced with AnyDesk Version 7.0
- Wake-on-LAN did not work on MacOS, Windows, and Linux.
- Discovery did not work properly.
- The field showing the online state always displayed value ‘Offline’ in the Clients Details tab.
- Could not change date format for CSV exports.
- Could not add new entries to the Address Book
Other changes
- Updated appliance core components to newer version to improve stability and support newer features
- Log rotation configuration now includes appliance-crit.log too. Default configuration values have been adjusted to reduce the amount of required disk space especially for larger installations.
- Functionality to limit the number of new connections per defined timeframe has been implemented to reduce the load on the appliance server when there are too many clients connecting at once (e.g. after a restart of the appliance).
- Sessions to invalid destinations are not displayed any longer in the Web UI